This giveaway is now closed to new entries.
Check the Spring Fever main page to enter those still open.
Welcome to DAY SIX of the Spring Fever Giveaway 2011!

Today’s giveaway is sponsored by Squirrel Trench Audio.
Squirrel Trench Audio offers music editing and original remixes for dance competition and recitals.
Musician and editor, Morriss Partee has played and studied music in one form or another since he was a wee tiny tot. A while back, his girlfriend, who is a dance teacher at a top 10 studio in Massachusetts, asked him to blend together several different songs and spoken voice pieces for a character dance for her 8-10 year-olds called “Pixie Hollow.” Morriss says he had a blast putting the music and sounds together for the piece and enjoyed seeing it performed on stage. Later, as he realized that nearly all songs destined to be played loud over competition or recital sound systems, could be improved with professional-level audio editing, Squirrel Trench Audio was born.
Morriss realizes that many dance teachers and studios don’t have the budget for professional song editing, especially in this difficult economy. So he’s written many tips and techniques for doing it well on his blog at Right now, he’s working on a series of posts on how to avoid the five most common audio editing mistakes he’s hearing at dance competitions. Because dance teachers sometimes need inspiration for song ideas when their new season starts in August or September, he’s also compiled a list of song ideas in several dance categories (jazz, lyrical, tap, contemporary, musical theater).
FYI, if you’re wondering what’s in a name, a “squirrel trench” is what Morriss calls a bad music edit – an obvious hiccup, glitch or scar in the music for a dance routine. Hopefully the squirrel trenches you hear at dance competitions are in other studio’s music, and not your own!
The Giveaway
Morriss would like to give away one editing session of a song to dance competition/recital length to THREE different Dance Advantage readers.
As a winner, you’ll get to hear an initial draft of your edited song, and if you’re not 100% happy with the way it has come out, you can provide feedback for what you’d like changed. After you’re satisfied with the final result, Squirrel Trench Audio will make the edited song available online for winners to download in both high quality mp3 format, as well as AIFF for highest quality when burning to CD.
How To Enter:
TEACHERS: Leave a comment at this post, responding to the following: Name a song you’ve used or seen performed at a dance show/competition that stands out as a favorite or uniquely special.
STUDIO OWNERS: How do you handle it when two or more of your teachers want to choreograph the exact same song?
Again, since the finished product will be made available for downloading, this giveaway is open worldwide and will close Wednesday, March 30 at Midnight EDT.
Winners will be drawn and contacted within one week from today. Best of luck!
Check back tomorrow for our LAST giveaway.
Once contacted via the email used to comment, winners have only 48 hours to respond and claim their prize. Each giveaway is treated as a separate contest. Subscriber PLUS members are given daily opportunities to earn additional entries on each giveaway. PLEASE READ our giveaway policy before entering.
Nichelle Suzanne is a writer specializing in dance and online content. She is also a dance instructor with over 20 years experience teaching in dance studios, community programs, and colleges. She began Dance Advantage in 2008, equipped with a passion for movement education and an intuitive sense that a blog could bring dancers together. As a Houston-based dance writer, Nichelle covers dance performance for Dance Source Houston, Arts+Culture Texas, and other publications. She is a leader in social media within the dance community and has presented on blogging for dance organizations, including Dance/USA. Nichelle provides web consulting and writing services for dancers, dance schools and studios, and those beyond the dance world. Read Nichelle’s posts.