Plan to succeed in the new dance season. Make your fall dance routines and class material feel fresh, even to you!
The Kind of Feedback Your Dance Students Really Crave
Dance teachers, ever wonder what your dance students really want? Our guest Ella, a young dance student, writes to tell you.
Break The Status Quo When Teaching Dance
Challenge the status quo by choosing to put your students first above ego and self-interest and apply your knowledge (even if it breaks the rules).
Two Types of Corrections I Stopped Giving My Dance Students
Dance teachers commonly use two types of corrections in class that cause confusion for their dance students. Learn how to rephrase and reframe these corrections to be more clear and accurate.
Cleaning Dances 101
Four useful techniques for cleaning choreography. Try them in your next dance rehearsal to get your students ready for performance or competition.
Teaching Students to Use Breath to Enhance their Dancing
Young dancers need help learning how to connect breath to movement. Here are 4 ways dance teachers can encourage this development in dance class.